
Coming into the Old Cemetery through the lychgate today, I’m greeted by a sea of purple. Everywhere I look flowers are out and open to insects greedily feasting on summers nectar. Close to the ground the grass is dotted with tiny selfheal (Prunella vulgaris) plants. Their violet blue petals branching out around the purple bracts…


We were born to walk. Evolved to be upright, Bipedal. Glutenous maximus a muscle tool, Not a surgical enhancement. And so, we walked. Out of Africa. Over the savannahs. Over the mountains. Through the forests. Across the oceans. On and on, moving like ants, determined to make a home. Somewhere else. Somewhere new. Somewhere better….


Like a bear emerging from hibernation to a world of light, I stagger drunkenly in a stupor of wonder. Eyes blind from the vastness of the sky overhead. Neck cricked as I search and scan the air, like a child waiting for Christmas. Then I see them and whoop with joy as tears follow. My…

Where have all the swallows gone ?

I confess that I’m sad today as I write this. You see, whilst I am rejoicing in all the signs of spring around me, the May blossom, the nesting blackbirds, the daily morning hedgehog poo in my garden, the newts breeding in my pond… Something is missing and it’s gap is pressing on my chest…