Finding Beauty – A Year of Nature Outside Your Door.

Well they are here and I did say in my blog last week that I’d be jumping with joy and I am. The books have arrived back from the printers just in the nick of time for Christmas, but like my dog are for any and all times of the year! ‘Finding Beauty – A…


Coming into the Old Cemetery through the lychgate today, I’m greeted by a sea of purple. Everywhere I look flowers are out and open to insects greedily feasting on summers nectar. Close to the ground the grass is dotted with tiny selfheal (Prunella vulgaris) plants. Their violet blue petals branching out around the purple bracts…

‘Summer is a-coming in’…nature in the Old Cemetery

  I’m sitting up in the Old Cemetery in the intense heat of a midsummer’s day. I have been coming up here on the same day every month for the past three years to write a piece for the local Herald about nature in this space. It’s full sun above me today but the sky…

Flowers from The Edge

In this strange time of isolation and lock down, I’ve been escaping on my daily outings, with walks from my home up onto Edge Woods and Wenlock Edge with my dog. We rarely see anyone in ‘normal’ times on these walks, but now the place feels empty of human life and brimming instead with nature…