Finding Beauty – A Year of Nature Outside Your Door.

Well they are here and I did say in my blog last week that I’d be jumping with joy and I am. The books have arrived back from the printers just in the nick of time for Christmas, but like my dog are for any and all times of the year! ‘Finding Beauty – A…


I stand on the steep slope of the Edge.Greet the hills around me,one by one by name.Welcome the warmth of the sun above,feeling its touch on my bodyand settle myself down into my scrapeto slowly scan the land below. I am here again and so are all the others.Buzzard arrives first.Flying low over the ruins…

Black Feather

Black feather lies on the path. The path where only the night before, I watched hidden with baited breath, in the quiet calm of dusk, as an old battle-eared hare and lone muntjac, grazed side by side, In companionable silence. Hiding under the lightness of the waning moon, they saw me of course.  Despite my…

Land of the East.

We drove directly east, as far as the land would allow,  until we reached a world of water and sea.  Along the way, groups of muntjac grazed on the verges.  And died too, in the inevitable roadkill.  Their carcasses dried and winnowed,  like empty sacks of disgarded cloths, blown along the central barrier.  Eventually we…


She knows I’m here, Despite the distance. Me, hiding in the tree line. Her, belly low in the plough line. She feels me watching her. A daily ritual. The space between us respected. But we are linked even so. She sits up now. Long black ears like signalling flags. Kangaroo back legs giving away her…

There’s a place…

There’s a place I go to. I’ll take you there, if you promise to keep it a secret… Down the steep Cinder Hill, Past the last houses on the estate. Along the narrow lane now, lined with blackberry bushes, that prick my fingers and stain them deep purple with scrumpers dye in autumn. Past the…

I see you…you see me.

This morning the sun was shining, making the sky the brightest of blues and I was keen to get up and out, much earlier than normal, into the world of light. Yesterday was the opposite, a grey, dark, drizzly, then torrential kind of day and even the dog wanted none of it. The warmth of…